Thursday, March 26, 2009

My lot is live

I am participating in an auction with farm sanctuary. Come bid on my lot and win a nutrition session with me!;jsessionid=0416CE4C2B8313B00664F5E4224B95D8?show=10&index=30&order=default&id=877

Love and light!

Monday, March 16, 2009

It's been quite a let me promote another blog!

Ok. So I am admitting to myself and the universe that I am no good at keeping up with this blogging thing. I am amazed by people who manage to blog 5, or even 3 times a week. Heck, even 3 times a month.

I have been doing so many things lately (I know: excuses,excuses). Well, I am a guest blogger on this fabulous eco-friendly, pro-veg site called GirlieGirl Army. Check out the blog I posted on healthy eating for companion animals at

My post was made on March 10, 2009. Enjoy. And I will be back soon. Ok. Soonish!

Peace and love.